About Us

Where We Stand

Christ Church Presbyterian has always sought to follow Jesus in the stands we take on important issues. We were among the first churches in the country to become a More Light Presbyterian Church in 1984, affirming that we welcome people of all sexual orientations into the life, membership, and leadership of the church. With a long history of human rights and social justice commitments, we have welcomed and housed Cambodian and Guatemalan refugees and served as leaders in the founding of the Burlington Ronald McDonald House.

Mathew 25 Church
We recently voted to join a new movement of The Presbyterian Church of America (PCUSA) to become a Matthew 25 Church. Matthew 25:31–46 calls us to actively engage in the world around us, so our faith comes alive and we wake up to new possibilities to act boldly and compassionately to serve people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned or poor. We recognize Jesus’ urgent call to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice and mercy shine forth and are contagious.

PCUSA Role of the Church
CCP supports the Confessional Declaration of the 223rd General Assembly on the Role of the Church. The declaration affirms our strong commitment to God’s power of love and justice for the neighbor as well as the self and how this can be demonstrated by bringing political will to these systemic justice issues. Role of the Church

PCUSA Stance on Family Separation
CCP endorses the Stance on Family from the 223rd General Assembly strongly attesting to the Gospel call to work for just and humane policies for all immigrant communities, grounded in the principles of family unity, human dignity, and rights. PCUSA’s Stance on Family Separation

Racism in Vermont
We are deeply concerned about racism and continue to have monthly discussions about racism and have developed a list of Racial Justice Resources. CCP joined with Vermont Interfaith Action in supporting a statement of concern about racism in Vermont. This was written in 2018 as a response to the challenges faced by Representative Kiah Morris and other Vermonters of color. These issues continue to be of concern. Racism in VT