Notes from Session


Greetings from Session!

In light (or should we say “in darkness”) of the eclipse, Mary Beth led a Session Study focused on the spiritual practice of awe and the ability to see the Divine in both extraordinary and ordinary moments. We discussed those moments, big and small, that take us to those places of awe, and we welcomed one another’s varied experiences of awe—ranging from the eclipse, to “walking with a loved one home”, from babies’ fingers and toes, to one another’s faces, and even to the invisible thread that holds an inchworm. All liminal spaces, all sacred moments.

Mary Beth reminded us that Adina is updating the directory and will be sending that update out to all electronically. Mary Beth also shared the Anti-Racism policy that we have developed. Session voted to adopt this policy with minor edits. We will share this policy with the congregation on our website and through our e-newsletter. We briefly discussed actions we have taken in this arena and how we might continue our efforts. At our summer Session meeting, will consider how this important issue might be addressed in our fall studies or discussions.

Speaking for Worship Planners, Lori Davis updated us on the search for a replacement for Kristabeth on the preaching team. We are active in our outreach process and are hopeful that we will have a second member of the preaching team to join Carl beginning in September, if not sooner. In the meantime, after Kristabeth leaves on May 19, we will happily continue to fill the pulpit with Carl twice a month , and with guest preachers on other Sundays. Kristabeth will continue to be available for pastoral care, as needed.

Lori also reminded us that we will not be holding services in July, due to vacation schedules for the preachers, worship planners, audio visual team, lay leaders, and members. While Session decided that it makes sense to take a break in July, we’ll be back in full swing in August. Lori also reminded us of the CCP Congregational Potluck at Oakledge Park on June 30 — a lovely time to gather together at Oakledge Park before we begin our downtime in July. Save that June 30 date!

Al let us know that all is going well financially — and that we already have some usage of our new online donation system. It appears to be working quite well, and is a really convenient way to make your JUMP offering or any special offering. Check it out on our website if you haven’t yet done so! Al and Carol are working together in the Finance and Administration areas.

For the Mission areas, Lisa reported that Ann Naumann is heavily involved in mission work, between her connection with TeacHaiti students, an Afghan family and the Open Door Clinic. Her latest mission will involve volunteering on a Mercy ship in Western Africa, sometime in the next 12-18 months. Duncan, Jane and Lisa will be doing the COTS walk on May 5 and we hope to have many CCP sponsors for them. See the e-newsletter for details on how to sponsor them.

Last, but definitely not least, a reminder about two important dates on our worship calendar. On Sunday, May 5, our service will involve a special treat from Mike Brown, working with Kristabeth, so be sure to circle that date. Then, on Sunday, May 19, we will be enjoying our last Sunday with Kristabeth, so will have some special moments and a little reception after our service. You won’t want to miss that opportunity to express gratitude for all Kristabeth has brought us in these past three years.

Daffodils out and alerts about summer events at CCP — yay! We’ve made it through another winter!

With love from Session,

Mary Beth, Clerk
Session: Al Brooks, David Boedy, Lori Davis, Carol Jenkins, Lisa Sitek, Mary Beth Barritt
Rev. Dr. Larry Jones, Moderator