
Welcome to Worship at Christ Church, Presbyterian!

Christ Church, Presbyterian is an open, welcoming community of faith, gathering Sundays at 4 PM both in person and on Zoom. Twice monthly we offer interactive and inclusive hybrid services (in person and on Zoom) with Zoom-only services on the alternate Sundays. Zoom login information is emailed every Sunday morning. (For details, see “Contact us” below.)

Covid precautions:
Keeping each other safe is part of being a Beloved Community. If you are attending in-person services, we ask that you be vaccinated and boosted. Masks are optional, and social distancing is observed. If you are not feeling well, please join us from home on Zoom.

Our service is led by one of our pastors, assisted by a lay leader.  Prayers, hymns, special music, and a pastoral reflection are followed by gathering in a circle around the Communion Table to share our Joys and Concerns and celebrate Communion. Our circle is virtual in these Covid times to ensure everyone’s safety. All are welcome as we share bread (gluten-free) and wine (or juice.) Communion is central to who we are, allowing us to greet each other in love, while celebrating each person’s joys and offering support for sorrows and concerns. Sharing Communion fuels our work in the world. Fellowship after the service provides an opportunity to offer our personal reflections on the theme and a time for conversation.

In recognizing that each person’s faith journey is individual and valid, and by sharing our personal journeys, we enrich our lives as we grow in faith together. Our collective Statement of Faith speaks to our faith journey as a community. As a questioning and reflective congregation, we are challenged by our study of theology, particularly progressive theology, and ongoing study of social justice issues. Our worship is enriched by this study. Each week a small planning group meets with the pastor to explore the scriptural text, consider possible themes and select contemporary readings and music to reflect the themes. We always seek to connect the message of the service to our Vision of the Beloved Community—our commitment to serving one another and our neighbors. (Read our Vision Statement).

How to find Us:
Our services are at St. Paul’s Cathedral, 2 Cherry Street, on the corner of Battery and Cherry Streets. Take the first left off Cherry (from Battery) to enter the parking lot. Parking is free on Sundays. Walk up the steps. Don’t enter the door immediately ahead of you, instead go around the building to your left. You’ll see a grey CCP sign on the side of the building. Follow the sidewalk along the side of the building, and at the end of the sidewalk, you will see another sign and the door to CCP’s space.